Activities of the Cluster
Research Activities
I- Molecular epidemiology lab:
The molecular epidemiology lab hosts two research groups. So far, only one of them is operational (cancer genetics group). The second group (cancer immunology group) has a very competitive research portfolio prepared but requires the acquisition of certain high cost equipment before its implementation can be considered. Currently ongoing research programs are marked with a capital C, while projected research programs that we hope to be able to set up if this proposal is accepted are marked with a capital P. It is important to note, though, that we have only requested the equipment and infrastructure necessary for these research projects , but not their running costs. These running costs will be subject to other grant applications to various research funding agencies once the infrastructure is established, unless, of course, Orascom wishes to sponsor the full operational portfolio of the cluster, which we will be extremely grateful for.
- cancer genetics research group conducting the following projects:
- Utilization of 5HTT gene polymorphism as a prognostic indicator in cancer: STDF funded project number 225/2009. Abstract shown as section 2.1. C
- Hormonal, genetic and cultural determinants of breast cancer risk in Egyptian women under 50; STDF funded project 2938/2011. Abstract shown in section 2.2. C
- Tracking chronic disease susceptibilities at the environmental, occupational and public health frontiers (section 2.4) P
- Gene by gene interaction and gene by environment interaction as aetiological and prognostic factors in cancer P
II- Cancer immunology research group:
This group is continuing the second stage of the 5HTT gene polymorphism project that aims to identify what happens in the immune system of patients with the short allele of the gene. Project: 5HTT gene polymorphism as a modifier of the immune response in cancer patients.
III- Environmental carcinogenesis Research Group
This group will conduct the following project: "Determination of biological and epidemiological effect of exposure to electromagnetic fields above 0.4 Tesla in relation to childhood leukemia and brain tumours" and will subsequently work on hazard tracking and its limitation/ellimination. This can be linked to the field studies course of the institute .P
IV- Methodology Group
The methodology research group scope is:
- Translation, validation and cultural adaptation of specific “patient reported outcome measures” (PRO) similar to our previously completed mental adjustment to cancer scale, which was developed in collaboration with the Royal Marsden NHS trust. C
- Development of culture specific constructs for health related Quality of Life measures. C
- Development of qualitative analysis methodologies for Arabic language in its folk form(s), and collaborating with copyright owners of relevant software as Nvivo and others for development of their Arabic versions. C
- It can also provide a consultancy service for research design. C
V- Egyptian Cancer Research Network:
The first launch of the Egyptian Cancer Research Network (ECRN) was in 2010 with an agreement signed between Alexandria University and Cairo University. Assuit and Menufyia Universities joined later. The administrative centre for the network is based at the High Institute of Public Health, Alexandria University.
VI - Infectious Diseases and Cancer research Group
This group will work on cancers that are associated with infectious agents. The currently active research program in this research group investigates the role of Epstein Barrs Virus as an effect modifier in incidence of hepatitis C positive liver cancer. (appendix 2.7) .P
VII – Bioactive food research group
This group will investigate the effect of nutritional exposures in the Egyptian population on incidence and progression of cancer , as well as the role of active food biomolecules in cancer prevention. P
VIII- Psychosocial trauma Research Group
A program for psychosocial recovery in traumatized populations has been developed and ready for implementation after funding approval. While this is not a cancer research group specifically, we chose to incubate it within the cluster as it is part of our work so that when it can be spinned off later at a suitable time to form an independent research group that may develop into the image of the parent cluster (work program shown in section 2.8). P
X - Cancer Epidemiology Skills Centre
This will be a training centre for cancer epidemiology skills as cancer registry skills training, survival analysis, cancer research methodology concepts and will be a revenue generating resource to finance the cluster. P